Democracy was meant to challenge us to work and sacrifice for the common good. It has devolved into license to sacrifice others for our own good. Thanks be to God, we are in this world but not of it. We render unto caesar, but we belong to Jesus. We are called to offer ourselves up to the Father for His glory, for the salvation of souls and for our own good. This will never devolve. In the midst of this crooked and perverse generation we will shine like lights unto the world if we stay close to Jesus and Mary through the Sacraments. Many who love and serve Truth are sorrowing today. We are not sad as sadness leads to depression and despair. We willingly enter into Sorrow as, Blessed Mother did at the Cross, trusting that we will move through this sorrow to Hope.
In the midst of this Sorrow, I cried out to Our Lord, "but the souls, all the souls who will be lost, Lord!" He answered gently but firmly, "Not one. Not one will be lost by this. Extraordinary graces will be poured out, just like the ones you yourself received."
These election results are mysteriously a part of the Father's permissive will. Sometime Mercy takes the form of chastisement. We know the battle rages on. We know it will escalate. We know who wins.
Pray. Trust. Live Sacramentally. I was born on the Feast of Saints Anne and Joachim. Joachim means, "God prepares." He is preparing us if we submit to the preparation. We who live in the light will be used to save souls if we sacrifice. In this day of worldwide celebration of "change" and "a new day" we know that there is nothing new under the sun, but we behold and adore He who makes all things new.